Kinder Magic

An essential skills program

Our magic program where we focus on teaching kids lifelong skills while having fun learning magic. Even children as young as 5 can learn tricks and perform in front of people! The children love learning magic secrets and parents love seeing their child perform things they themselves don’t know how to do.

learn more above or check if we have programs coming up below!
kids networking

Social Skills & Teamwork

Failure & Perseverance

Goal-Setting & Focusing

Leadership & Performance

Private School & The SSAT

If you and your child are applying to private schools in Hawaii, you have a lot to consider. And if your child will be applying for Grades 3 or above, at least one of the many schools you’re interested in applying to will require the SSAT. The SSAT stands for the Secondary School Admissions Test (not Standardized) and is administered in multiple countries around the world multiple times throughout the year. In many ways it is like the SAT for grade school. 

Obviously you want your child to score well, and so do we. At The Reading Company we are not only experts at the components of the test – with Dr. Brad Kerwin, we have intimate knowledge of the admissions processes for many of the most sought-after private schools on O’ahu.

In applying to schools such as Punahou, ‘Iolani, Saint Louis, or any our island’s many private schools, the whole child is considered: grades, teacher recommendations, extracurricular activities, learning styles, and SSAT scores. While an SSAT score won’t make or break an application, its importance is far from negligible. Dr. Kerwin and our teachers have decades of experience helping students and families reach their academic goals in Hawai’i.

You already have a lot to deal with – let us be your experts at the testing and admissions process.

Whether you're...

1 on 1 rates start at $80 per hour.
If you're interested fill out our contact form!

Imagine planning the next 4 years of your life in 4 hours.

Four hours is the average amount of time students are reporting they get with their college counselors at top schools in Hawaii. Can you imagine trying to plan for the next four years of your life in just four hours? Planning out your child's next academic steps takes more than four hours of work and that is where we come in.

Personalized College Coaching

We help plan and set goals so your child isn't overwhelmed with; schoolwork, tests, sports, social activities, work and planning for college.

College Packages

College Essentials

  • one

College Essentials

College Essentials


What your student will get

General Tutoring

The Super Tutors program was established over 30 years ago by Dr. Brad Kerwin and his Punahou colleagues Terry Woody and John Saporito. Super Tutors pairs college-level and college-bound tutors with students in both group and 1-on-1 settings. Through individualized curriculum, we focus on each child’s academic weaknesses to shape them into better, more well-rounded students. We are able to accommodate every field of study, though our focus with many of our youngest students tends to be reading. Children enrolled in Super Tutors are therefore required to bring a book that they are currently reading to every session they attend. For a look into our history, see this 1992 Punavision piece on the original Super Tutors program.

Contact Us

If you are interesting in working with us or getting more information first fill out this form. Before beginning any coaching, our administrative team must have all the information necessary to individualize our work with your child. To achieve this, Dr. K and staff meet with your family to discuss your needs, concerns, and goals. During this consultation proprietary information will be shared with you - as such, the pricing for this consultation is $300* and will be 1-2 hours long.

Please let us know if, and whom, referred you! 

*If you move forwards with our services - a portion of the consultation fee will go towards your tuition.

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